Weld-On® 717™ is a clear or gray, ultra low VOC emission, heavy bodied, medium setting, PVC solvent cement for all classes and schedules of pipe and fittings with interference fit through 12 inches (315 mm) diameter, including Schedule 80. Applicable for use on all types of PVC plastic pipe applications, Type I and Type II. It is suitable for potable water pressure systems, industrial, irrigation, turf, conduit, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems.
• Quality formula – ideal for plumbing, industrial, pool, irrigation and electrical piping systems.
• Good gap filling properties and its medium set allows more working time in warm weather.
• Ultra low VOC emissions. Meets SCAQMD Rule 1168/316A.
• GreenGuard Gold certified. Visit the UL Sustainable Database at www.spot.ul.com to find all the sustainable credits covered by UL GreenGuard Gold.
• High strength performance. Meets ASTM D2564 and the Uniform Plumbing Code. Certified by NSF International, CSA and IAPMO.